Alan Foods

Veggie bags

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What's that about?


Our veggie bags contain a mixture of seasonal produce that comes directly from our farm in Jilliby. We aim to grow a wide variety of crops so that the boxes don’t get too boring. 

We firmly believe in eating seasonally. Unfortunately society has lost touch with nature and the ability to eat and cook seasonally. At ALAN Foods, we hope to inspire our community to really think about where their food comes from and the processes involved.  

Click here to sign up for a weekly veggie bag! 

There’s no upfront payment and you can cancel or pause any time! 

*jute bag not included

The Details...

you pay

you get
over $26 value*

Sounds good?

samples of our produce
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What to expect in a bag

Generally we will grow what is in season at the time. At ALAN Foods we believe in good nutrition therefore will try to pack your bag with as much variety as we can, which will allow you to be as creative as you like in the kitchen.