Alan Foods



Availability: spring/winter
Type: Cruciferous
Uses:  coleslaw, salads, fried, steamed, sauerkraut
Cooking tip:  slice finely and add it to any stir fry or salad
Storage: fridge, will keep for 2 weeks or more in the right conditions

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Health Benefits: Several studies claim that cabbage helps reduce the incidence of type II diabetes and heart disease. There is also some research that has found cabbage to protect against certain types of cancers support brain health and protects vision.

Quick cooking tips:

  • Slice cabbage into 1/8-inch slices and let sit for 5 minutes to enhance its health-promoting benefits before cooking.


  • What is Sauerkraut?
    • Fermented cabbage – microorganisms on the cabbage digest its natural sugars and convert them into carbon dioxide and organic acids. This grows beneficial probiotics which helps your gut to absorb all the vitamins and minerals they contain.
  • 1tsp of salt per 500g of cabbage.
  • Slice finely the cabbage, put in a bowl, add the salt, massage the salt into the cabbage using your hands, the cabbage will sweat and lots of liquid will come out, keep crushing up with your hands until you can crush no more! Then put the cabbage into a jar without adding all the liquid, compacting it into the jar as you go. By the time your finished you will have a jar jamm packed with cabbage and a bowl of salty cabbage liquid. Pour the salty cabbage liquid carefully gently into the jar to cover the compacted cabbage carful not to disturb the cabbage. The idea is that the cabbage stays under the liquid-in an anaerobic environment. Weigh down the cabbage so that it stays under the liquid. Leave on the kitchen bench for 2 days to ferment then remove your weighing down implement, place the lid of the jar on the jar and put your sauerkraut into the fridge where itll keep for a few weeks and you can enjoy whenever you like.




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